#15-Manassas Red Oak

Historical Name: Manassas
Common Name: Red Oak
Latin Name: Quercus rubra

The Manassas Red Oak stands in silent tribute to the brave Americans who fought and died in the two historic Civil War battles best-known as the first and second battles of Bull Run. In the first battle in Manassas, Virginia, fought in 1861, one of the South’s most famous generals, T.J. Jackson, earned his reputation. Jackson “stood like a stone wall” against the Union advance at Henry House Hill. “Stonewall Jackson” went on to become a legend. The North and South clashed again at Bull Run in 1862. Again, the South emerged victorious in one of the most famous battles of the Civil War. This tree was grown from a seed taken from the Manassas Red Oak, and was planted into UCNJ’s Historic Tree Grove in 1997.

(text adapted from American Forests)